Felipe Chernicharo

Hi, I'm Felipe

My life is to build things with
{ code }

I'm a Software Engineer living in Washington DC. My job is to create business solutions and compelling experiences, through creativity and coding skills, always following the best practices and using the most modern technologies.


Check out some of my work

Learning == Discovery && Fun!

Practicing is the best way to master a skill, and there's no way to get good at something if you don't get your hands dirty. That's why I consider myself lucky: I just love to practice! For me, nothing is more exciting than to start a new project and to tinker around with new technologies and tools.

As mentioned above, I simply LOVE to build things with code! That's why my github has over 130 repositories! In each of them I explore new tools and ideas, always with the goal of pushing my limits even further. I want to be able to code my ideas, no matter what they are.

Want to know me better?

Yeah, I am a coder alright, but more than that, I'm also a father, a husband, a musician, and sometimes a runner. You can also find out more about things that I do and the techs that I've been working with on the links below.

Or simply go to the contacts page and send me a message. Please don't hesitate, just write me whatever you have in mind! I'll be pleased to respond :)